REWILD: definitions / by Meredith Stricker


noun: REWILD, a book of poetry by Meredith Stricker, Tupelo Press, Dorset Prize

Rewild is a collection of documentary lyric poetry that explores places that have been ravaged by war and environmental plunder, then left alone from human interference to regenerate and restore.

At this moment where we find ourselves in the Anthropocene, the poems hover between ruin and restoration. They open ways we can ask transformative questions and turn ourselves into these questions that shift and tunnel through difficulty and despair into "another spreadsheet than human ... chromosomal and intricate".

To begin to unbuy ourselves, to rewild our communal lives

Roughly chronological but non-linear, these poems constellate cross-currents in cultural and natural history to investigate correspondences of atomic energy, shopping malls and globalized markets while encountering aqueducts, underpasses and deep quiet where "there is no place to go but closer to leaves":